Friday, September 26, 2008

During the Republican Presidential Primary of 2000, a Maverick Republican Senator from Arizona was running a successful bid for the nomination. That is until Sith Lord, Karl Rove began a serious of negative ads and "push polling" that were so brutal, they destroyed John McCain.

John had the sympathy and respect of the country. He went on Saturday Night Live in 2002 and was able to laugh at himself. I liked his performance. He was funny. I decided that if he ever ran for President again, I would vote for him.

However, I believe that John McCain has never forgotten his South Carolina experience. He learned that he had to do more to be elected President. He could not play the Maverick if wanted to win the South. He could not cross party lines and win the party base. The process of transformation began on May 13, 2006 in Lynchburg, VA.

According to Dan Balz's article in the Washington Post from May 14, 2006, "Six years after labeling the Rev. Jerry Falwell one of the political "agents of intolerance," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) delivered the commencement address Saturday at Falwell's Liberty University, and vigorously defended his support for the war in Iraq while saying that opponents have a moral duty to challenge the wisdom of a conflict that has exacted a huge toll on the nation.

McCain's presence on the campus here was as remarkable as what he had to tell the graduating class of 2006, given his clashes with religious conservatives during his 2000 campaign for president. His appearance continued a rapprochement that has been underway for months with a critical constituency in the Republican Party as McCain prepares for another possible campaign in 2008."

Since 2006, McCain has closely aligned himself with President Bush voting with him 90% of the time. McCain has even campaigned against issues that he himself has championed.

When it comes to energy policies, McCain is not sure which way he wants to go. Watch this interesting Daily Show from last week.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I have always enjoyed watching "Late Show" with David Letterman. I loved to stay up and watch the Top Ten List even when Dave was on NBC. I always appreciated dropping fruit and frozen turkeys from the rooftops of New York City onto Broadway. Dave does not dress up in velcro suits and fling himself against a wall anymore or wear a fire suit covered in marshmellows and have his staff toast him. Over the years his crazy antics have been replaced by consistency. As stated in a recent Rolling Stone article, Jason Gay in an cover interview had the following comment, "I recently when back and watched the show you did after September 11th. That show was highly praised, but it was really unnerving, very raw and took you right back to the very difficult time."

Dave has over the years has changed from wacky late night guy to the voice of america. The "Late Show" host had some very strong and direct comments for John McCain last night. McCain had announced that he suspended his campain to focus on the Economic crisis and cancelled his appearane on Dave's show at the last possible moment. However, instead of rushing to DC, McCain stayed in New York for the night. Listen to Dave's 10 minute sharp, witty and direct commentary.